Sunday, 2 October 2011

HUMAN Life Cycle Management using SharePoint

HUMAN Life Cycle Management using SharePoint
Life Role
SharePoint 2010
Child Birth
1.1  To Know the best available Doctor
1.2To know best Available Hospitals
1.3To know best facilities available in the hospital
1.4To know the place where to Shop for clothes and accessories
1.Alert on computer and Mobile.
2. Rating
3.Document Library
4. List Library
5.  Roles and Rights Management
1.Provides the relevant information automatically

2.Provide information with Rating[good, better, best]

3.Store the Document Related to Child Birth at central location doctors, parents can access as per right
Child Schooling
1.5 To Know the best available School
1.6   To know whether children reaches or have started from school
1.7  To read the class room session in case, not attending the school
1.8   To know more about the topics/subjects
1.9   To write leave application or send information to school, even if not attending the school
1.10            To See latest announcement in school or education field
1. Alert on computer and Mobile.
2.       Rating
3.Document Library
4.  List Library
5.   Roles and Rights Management
6.    Video Web Part
7.       Announcement
1.Provides the relevant information automatically

2.Provide information with Rating[good, better, best]

3.Store the Document Related to Child activities in school at central location doctors, parents can access as per right

4.Child can play the class room sessions and view the missed class

5.Parents and Students come to know latest  information on Mobile
1.11            To Know the best available College
1.12            To know whether your Ward[Children] attend college lectures
1.13             To read the college class room session in case, not attending the Lecture
1.14            To know more about the topics/subjects
1.15            To communicate with college, even if not attending the college
1.16            To See latest announcement in college or education field
1.17            To communicate with your friends
1.18            To reads the valuable thoughts of professors
1.19            To work on Research topic on same set of documents
1. Alert on computer and Mobile.
2.       Rating
3.Document Library
4.List Library
5.Roles and Rights Management
6. Video Web Part
7.       Announcement
8.       Blogs
9.       Wikis
10.   Document Set
11.   Versioning
12.Content Management
13.Record Management
14.   Note Board
15.Latest News international and national

1.Provides the relevant information automatically

2.Provide information with Rating[good, better, best]

3.Store the Document Related to Ward[Children] activities in college at central location Professors, parents can access as per right

4.Ward[Children] can play the lectures sessions and view the missed lectures

5.Parents and Ward come to know latest  information on Mobile

6.Communicate with you professors even when not in college

7.Create group of similar interest friends
1.20            To Know the best available Employer
1.21            To know whether your Ward[Children] attend Office
1.22             To go thru/attend  meeting  if not present
1.23            To know more about the topics/subjects
1.24            To communicate with office staff and colleagues, even if not attending the college
1.25            To See latest announcement in Office
1.26            To communicate with your colleague’s
1.27            To reads the valuable thoughts of industry professionals
1.28            To work on Research topic on same set of documents
1. Alert on computer and Mobile.
2.       Rating
3.Document Library
4.       List Library
5.   Roles and Rights Management
6.      Video Web Part
7.       Announcement
8.       Blogs
9.       Wikis
10.   Document Set
11.   Versioning
12.Content Management
13.Record Management
14.   Note Board
15.Latest News international and national
16.   Workflow’s
17.   Single Sign on
18.   KPI/Dashboard
1.Provides the relevant information automatically

2.Provide information with employer /employee Rating[good, better, best]

3.Store the Document Related to Ward[Children] activities in office at central location Professors, parents can access as per right

4.Ward[Children] can play the important meeting/Training sessions and view the missed class

5.Employer/Employee come to know latest  information on Mobile

6.Communicate with office notification’s even when not in office

7.Create group of similar interest friends

8.Enables to logs on all the business systems using single username and password
1.29            To Know the suitable match girl/boy
1.30            To Share the happiness and joy of the family,  using recorded or live sessions
1.31             To chats with family members/friends
1.32            To know more about the latest trends going in Marriage’s
1.33            To know the best places for visit after marriage
1.34            To read about how and best way to perform rituals and customs happening during marriages
1.35            To know about complicated issues related to Child birth etc. after marriage
1. Alert on computer and Mobile.
2.       Rating
3.Document Library
4.       List Library
5.   Roles and Rights Management
6.      Video Web Part
7.       Announcement
8.       Blogs
9.       Wikis
10.   Document Set
11.   Versioning
12.Content Management
13.Record Management
14.   Note Board
15.Latest News international and national
16.   Workflow’s
17.   Single Sign on
18.   KPI/Dashboard
1.Provides the relevant information automatically

2.Provide information with suitable girl/boy Rating[good, better, best]

3.Store the Document Related to function including bills and how the work needs to be performed  at central location Stakeholders, Parents can access as per right

4.Ward[Children] can play the important prerecorded events to get the idea how best they can arrange this Lifetime achievement event

5.employer/employee come to know latest  information on Mobile

6.Communicate with office notification’s even when not in office

7.Create group of similar interest friends

8.Enables to logs on all the business systems using single username and password
Shopping/ Fun & Frolic
1.36            To Know the best available Shop
1.37            To know whether Sale is Going on is Shop
1.38             To go thru/attend  festivals in market virtually
1.39            To know more about the latest trends of fashions
1.40            To communicate with Shop Owners, even if not going to the market
1.41            To purchase or perform transactions online
1.42            To Chat with you friends, share image ,videos

1. Alert on computer and Mobile.
2.       Rating
3.Document Library
4.       List Library
5.   Roles and Rights Management
6.      Video Web Part
7.       Announcement
8.       Blogs
9.       Wikis
10.   Document Set
11.   Versioning
12.Content Management
13.Record Management
14.   Note Board
15.   Latest News international and national
16.   Workflow’s
17.   Single Sign on
18.   KPI/Dashboard
1.Provides the relevant information automatically

2.Provide information with suitable shop to purchase as per the requirement

3.Store the Document Related to function including bills at central location Stakeholders, Parents, Shop owners can access as per right

4.User can play  prerecorded view of the products available for sale

5.Usercome to know latest  information on Mobile

6.Communicate with Key shopping notification’s even without going to market

7.Create group of similar interest friends

8.Enables to logs on all the sites using single username and password
Finally Dea…..h]

Thanks. Feel Free in case of any queries []

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Jan LokPal can be Boosted using SharePoint 2010
Jan LokPal Bill Features
Corresponding SharePoint 2010 Feature
To establish a central government anti-corruption institution called Lokpal, supported by Lokayukta at the state level.
Governance Model can be defined to make it automated process with defined roles
As in the case of the Supreme Court and Cabinet Secretariat, the Lokpal will be supervised by the Cabinet Secretary and the Election Commission. As a result, it will be completely independent of the government and free from ministerial influence in its investigations.
The cabinet secretary and the Election Commission can be provided dashboards with mobile functionality to take right decision instantly.
Members will be appointed by judges, Indian Administrative Service officers with a clean record, private citizens and constitutional authorities through a transparent and participatory process.
Appointed members will be provided roles to perform task.
A selection committee will invite short-listed candidates for interviews, video recordings of which will thereafter be made public.
Records,images,videos & Documents of shortlisted candidates can be stored in Document Library with unique document id maintaining version
Every month on its website, the Lokayukta will publish a list of cases dealt with, brief details of each, their outcome and any action taken or proposed. It will also publish lists of all cases received by the Lokayukta during the previous month, cases dealt with and those which are pending.
No need to put effort, SharePoint will automatically create the list and display in the form of Dashboard/KPI.
Investigations of each case must be completed in one year. Any resulting trials should be concluded in the following year, giving a total maximum process time of two years.
Reminder with SLA [Workflow] can be set, to remind the timeframe. Completion % of cases can be displayed.
Losses caused to the government by a corrupt individual will be recovered at the time of conviction.
The system can be integrated with other important system [Claim based authentication & Single Sign On] so that as soon as the corrupt individual is alleged, the other system holds the transaction of the individual.
Government officework required by a citizen that is not completed within a prescribed time period will result in Lokpal imposing financial penalties on those responsible, which will then be given as compensation to the complainant.
SLA can be defined and approval workflows can be set at various level. Individual can logon to computer or mobile and see the financial implications.
Complaints against any officer of Lokpal will be investigated and completed within a month and, if found to be substantive, will result in the officer being dismissed within two months.
Complaints can be logged on using mobile or computer or kiosks to take the actions within specific time limits.
The existing anti-corruption agencies (CVC, departmental vigilance and the anti-corruption branch of the CBI) will be merged into Local which will have complete power and authority to independently investigate and prosecute any officer, judge or politician.
Governance model can be defined accordingly with audience targeting to define the roles and rights.
Whistleblowers who alert the agency to potential corruption cases will also be provided with protection by it.
The system can itself act as Whistle blower by defining business intelligence KPI.

Feel Free to ping me for any queries.