Thursday, 5 May 2011

1.1 What is SharePoint?

1.1 What is SharePoint?
“SharePoint SharePoint SharePoint”, let`s all explore, why SharePoint is becoming popular amongst organizations nowadays. SharePoint was born out of a simple idea: “Sharing Documents”. Microsoft SharePoint is a family of software products developed to perform features like File Sharing, Collaboration, and Web Publishing. In simple terms, SharePoint acts as the single platform to share, communicate, store, and collaborate the content, documents, and records.

SharePoint family of products includes:
1.SharePoint Foundation 2010
2.Search Server 2010 Express
3.SharePoint Server 2010
4.Search Server 2010
5.FAST™ Search Server 2010 for SharePoint
6.Microsoft SharePoint Designer

SharePoint is primarily used to build intranet/internet/extranet portals, collaboration sites, document management solutions and content management sites. It`s versatile in nature and supports a number of enterprise features in a collaborative environment. It is based on Microsoft primary development tool “. NET”, hence the solutions created using SharePoint are easily customizable.

SharePoint can be used for something as simple as creation of list of contacts, or for something as complex as a project management dashboard/KPI for a large store or an organization.

Let`s take a simple example of an organization “A”, having 2 departments
• Accounts
• Sales
An organization individual uses individual computers to store the information.
The customer seeks information from the organization. The organization CEO seeks information from departments. Department individuals store information, in their own Systems. It takes lots of time to fetch the correct information, which is not even a secure.

A sample of conversation:
CEO to Sales Manager: I want the Sales report Month Wise.
Sales Manager Replies: Sir Files were stored in my computer but hard drive got Corrupted and Data is Lost.
CEO----YOU are fired!

CEO to Accountant: I want the department wise accounts.
Account Manager Replies: Sir! I have sent you an email yesterday for that and today I am on Leave.
CEO---- I did not receive it, I want it now!

Customer – want to know how the company is performing for that, customer goes to various departments for information, but it takes a long time to seek information.
Now Let`s take an example of an organization B, having same departments.
• Accounts
• Sales
Organization has SharePoint implemented.

The customer seeks information from the organization. The organization CEO seeks information from departments. All the information is stored in Organization Intranet Portal, with roles and rights defined to retrieve the information. The information is highly secure and can be retrieved using various search criteria’s.

A sample of conversation:
CEO to Sales Manager: I want Sales report Month Wise [No need even to Ask, when CEO Log on to intranet Portal, the dashboard displays all the information].
Sales Manager Replies: Sir I keep all the files on Intranet Portal please have a look from there. [No Data Loss, Easy, and quick retrieval].
CEO----YOU are fired turned to Good Job keep it UP.

CEO to Accountant: I want the department wise accounts.
Account Manager Replies: Sir you have received the email as well as SMS as I do all the work in Organization Intranet Portal, which is a workflow enabled to send the important updates in emails and via SMS.
CEO---- I didn`t receive it, I want it now turned to my Mistake I will check it Just now.

Customer – want to know how the company is performing, goes to various departments for information, but it takes a long time to seek information.

Turned to

Customer- goes to the Internet Portal and fetches the desired information.
It is just one of the examples; the capabilities of SharePoint are much more than that.

Microsoft SharePoint 2010 provide capabilities to meet business-critical needs such as managing content, business processes, simplifying to find and share information across boundaries and enabling informed decisions.
SharePoint Foundation 2010 or SharePoint Server 2010 provides collaborating features, which makes it handy for end users to create, manage, build SharePoint sites and share quick information.

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